Archive for April 26th, 2012


VIDEO: Sylver Tongue – Creatures

Sylver Tongue’s website reads: “All musicians are, to a certain extent, influenced by others. For many, simply recreating the music they love is enough. But for some, influences are used to inspire, as a direction rather than a destination. Sylver Tongue belongs to the latter category.” Sylver Tongue is in fact the new project from Ash’s Charlotte Hatherley


NEWS: Manchester’s Hacienda nightclub announces 30th anniversary celebration plans

Manchester’s influential Hacienda nightclub has announced that it will be hosting three one-off events to celebrate the club’s 30th anniversary.

The events, which are named X1, X2 and X3, will take place in late May and early June. The first will take place in the car park of the Hacienda, which is now a block of apartments. The other events will happen in the city’s Sankeys nightclub.

X1 will take place on May 21 in the Hacienda’s car park, X2 on June 2 in Sankeys with former Hacienda residents Laurent Garnier and Justin Martin among the line-up. Finally, X3 will happen on June 4, with a stellar cast that includes Peter Hook, Dave Haslam, Graeme Park and John Da Silva.

As well as the three events, there will also be a new clothing collection named ‘Label, Location, Legacy’ launched to coincide with the anniversary and a photography exhibition. 

The line-up for the Hacienda’s 30th anniversary celebrations is as follows:

X1 – Haçienda 30 @ The Haçienda Apartments Car Park – May 21
Line-Up TBC

X2 – Haçienda 30, Sankeys – June 2
Laurent Garnier, Justin Martin, Oli Furness and Special Guests

X3 – Haçienda 30, Sankeys – June 4
Kevin Saunderson, Graeme Park Allister Whitehead, Tom Wainwright, Jon Da Silva, 808 State DJ’s, Peter Hook, Mc Tunes, Dave Haslam, Dave Booth, Jason Boardman


SONG FOR TODAY: The Shining – I Wonder How

Who else bought this band’s debut album back in late summer of 2002? “The Shining were an English rock band formed in 2000. The band was composed of Duncan Baxter (vocals), Dan MacBean (guitar), Mark Heaney (drums), Simon Jones (bass), and Simon Tong (guitar, keyboards), the latter two both being members of The Verve.
The band originally featured former Stone Roses guitarist John Squire, however he chose to leave the group early in the band’s lifetime. The Shining released three singles throughout 2002, all of which were minor successes. Their one and only LP, titled ‘True Skies’ and produced by Youth, followed in September of the same year, issued by Zuma Recordings. The band split in 2003.” Drummer Mark Heaney now plays with Gang Of Four.


Are The Smiths reforming? No.

Reports that The Smiths are set to reunite have been denied by sources close to members of the legendary Manchester band.

A story on this morning (April 26) suggested frontman Morrissey and guitarist Johnny Marr had been in talks with a “well-known” promoter about reuniting.

However, a highly-placed source in Britain’s live music industry, along with others close to the band, denied the rumours when contacted by NME. In addition guitarist Johnny Marr has stated: “The rumour of the Smiths reunion is untrue. It’s not happening.”

Back in February, Marr told NME that he would reform The Smiths if the current coalition government steps down, commenting: “We won’t be reforming this week. Maybe if the government stepped down. If this government stepped down, I’ll reform the band. How’s that? That’s a fair trade, isn’t it? I think the country would be better off, don’t you? I’ll do it if the coalition steps down.”

When asked if he had ever made him tempted to speak to Morrissey about the prospect of a reunion, he told NME: “I don’t not speak to him, because that implies a certain standoff or whatever.” He continued: “He’s doing his thing and I’m doing mine, and we go through periods of time when we’re in communication and at times when we’re not. I’m not sure he wants to communicate, so I’ll just carry on doing what I’m doing, and live my life and be a musician.”

Johnny Marr has frequently denied that he would regroup with Morrissey and their fellow bandmates in the 25-years since The Smiths split, but recently admitted to Rolling Stone that the idea of a new tour is intriguing.

“I don’t know about the possibility, but what I do know is that I understand how great it would be to make so many people happy,” Marr explained. “And the other thing I know is that Morrissey and I are so very different. Those are the only things I know.”

Marr also denied that he and Morrissey rejected a $75m (£47.2m) offer to regroup for a 50-date concert tour in 2007 “I have heard that – a few times. No official offer was ever made to me… But I did hear that, yeah,” the musician said. 

The star went on to say: “Nothing really gets off the ground just purely because of money. Certainly, as I see it, so many other things would have to be fixed and we’re just too different to get them fixed, it appears.”

The group soon started to trend on the social networking site after Music News reported that British band would be following in The Stone Roses footsteps and getting back together. 
Marr neither confirmed or denied the news on his Twitter page joking: ‘Hey Everybody !! Amazing news !….My amp is fixed ! Johnny.’

The rumours drew a mixed response on Twitter with some fans already asking where to buy tickets while others flat out refused to believe it was true.

Lissa_WWFC said: ”The Smiths to reform’ I nearly just fell off my bed OH MY WORD YES.’ 

While angelakrose tweeted: ‘Bleeding hearts rejoice, The Smiths are reuniting for a couple of shows later on this year. I’d like to know if How Soon Is Now?’ 

Markcdenton gushed: ‘The Smiths reforming… Nothing else matters anymore!’ 

But others were not so keen with JonathanCarfrae saying: ‘Good God, The Smiths to reform? Please no. Don’t soil a legacy like this. Please.’ 

AndyTillett added: ‘I do not believe The Smiths are reuniting.’

VintageVeevers posted: ‘The Smiths aren’t reforming, Morrissey is too socially inept to make amends with people.’ 

While kirbysepicyawn joked: ‘I assume The Smiths are trending because after years of self-imposed vegan torture, Morrissey has finally snapped and eaten Johnny Marr. RIP.’

In 2006, Morrissey declared, “I would rather eat my own testicles than reform The Smiths, and that’s saying something for a vegetarian.” When asked why in another interview the same year, he responded, “I feel as if I’ve worked very hard since the demise of the Smiths and the others haven’t, so why hand them attention that they haven’t earned? We are not friends, we don’t see each other. Why on earth would we be on a stage together?”

Earlier today drummer Mike Joyce spoke about the rumours on his radio show… you can hear this hear…